12 February 2021:
After a couple of weeks of terrible conditions, we finally had a break from the bad weather and returned to stunning conditions at Julian Rocks yesterday. Highlight of the day (apart from two Mantas…) was definitely this Bowmouth Guitarfish, an extremely rare sighting at the rock! Thanks for being so quick with the camera and getting this amazing shot for us, John Natoli!

23 January 2021:
And then this happened…

22 January 2021:
So many Leopard Sharks today!

9 January 2021:
While the bad weather stops us from diving, time to go through photos from the last couple of weeks. Hopefully these guys will be waiting for us out there again when the ocean has settled a bit…

28 December 2020:
When the local marine life has not read the memo on social distancing and comes rubbing up against you…
Great diving straight after Christmas on Sunday and Monday. Thanks for sharing this great shot @jblank_photography

12 December 2020:
We got a sneaky Friday morning dive in before the weather turned bad yesterday afternoon and when we arrived at Julian Rocks and saw the vis and felt the temperature, we never expected it to turn into such a great day of diving. We even saw a Manta in the Needles!!! A big one! Highlight was definitely the schooling Bullrays and Eagle Rays in the Trench though. What an experience! (excuse the raw GoPro footage, it struggled a bit…) We also saw a couple of Grey Nurse Sharks and plenty of fish all along to the Cod Hole (even though it was pretty murky that way and we could just make out a lot of big shadows…). There were plenty of turtles in all sizes, the Clown Frogfish was still in its spot and we saw big Kingfish, large Snapper and Jewfish, big schools of fish in the shallows (where it was a little warmer), a cuttlefish and plenty more. Hopefully the strong Easterlies over the next few days will bring back the warm blue water!

11 December 2020:
Here’s the Clown Frogfish we’ve been seeing at Julian Rocks for the last three weeks. He’s a real whopper!

23 November 2020:
Beautiful spring mornings at the Rock… For the next few weeks, we’ll be diving Saturday and Sundays only. From Saturday 19 December until the end of February, we’ll be diving 7 days a week! There’ll be limited spots available this year due to social distancing requirements, so don’t leave it too long to book your holiday dives!

20 October 2020:
It’s time to wave good-bye: Our whale watching season has finished early this year. “Bon voyage” to our magnificent whales! May your journey be safe and the Southern Ocean be full of krill for you! A big thank you to all our customers and friends who have joined us this year. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2021!

28 September 2020:
Black beauty showing off on our Monday morning trip…